廢油水儲存及簡易分離 (oil / water separator) (了解更多) (more..)

瀏覽次數 (1217)

染整定型業中, 常利靜電集塵處理其排放廢氣, 所收集下來的髒污常見為油水混合物, 對業者在廢水處理成本而言形成負擔, 因此需搭配油水分離機制, 將油自廢水分離出後, 廢水再由業者處理, 以減少廢水因油份過多而不好處理的問題. 

Stenter users have often adopted WEP to cope with the waste gas, however, the waste gas captured by WEP always include waste oil and waste water and cause huge burden for waste water treatment as the waste oil will affect the treatment efficiency of waste water. Therefore, the stenter users should apply the oil and water separator to separate the oil from waste water in order to improve the waste water treatment efficiency.