細懸浮微粒及油煙捕集 (particle capture) (了解更多...)(more...)

瀏覽次數 (1313)

運作原理:與板式靜電不同,管式靜電設備主要利用水蒸氣或細水霧及重力排放原理,將其吸附於管壁上之帶電油霧微粒,沖洗並排放至設備底部。吸附面積及處理效率皆優於板式靜電,並節省保養成本。常見材質: GE, SUS, SUS coating.

Principle of Operation: An electrostatic precipitator (ESP) forcesan induced electrostatic charge minimally impeding the flow of gases through the unit. Andthe Multi-pipe WESP is commonly used where the gases are high in moisture content, contain combustible particulate, or have particles that are sticky in nature. Comparing to plate type ESP, Multi-pipe WESP owns larger disposal capacity and efficiency which can save lots of maintenance cost. Material applied include GE, SUS, SUS coating.